Correct: Using GG, you can limit the number of tabs Ss have open., Adding Wildcards (*) will open up more parts of a site (ex. ** will open up access to and, You can create scenes with lists of allowed websites or blocked websites., You can lock all students' screens using GG., Groups can be set up using custom groups or random groups., When using groups, each group can have a different scene applied., You can use GG to open a specific tab for your students., The Present to Class feature would be a good way to share your screen with students so they can see images or text better., Tab limits can be applied to scenes with allowed websites or blocked websites., Quick Lists might make setting up a scene easier., Incorrect: You can only set up scenes using blocked websites., All students must have the same scene applied to them., When using groups, you are limited to only three groups., Once a student is in a group, they cannot be moved. , Groups do not save and you must recreate them each time you want to use them., Scenes can only be applied to the whole class, not groups or individual students., The Present to Class should not be used and is for virtual instruction only., Name your scenes something basic because it doesn't really matter in the end., The ability to auto-open tabs is no longer available., There is no way to make exceptions to an allowed or blocked website.,
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