Today I will draw a picture. Yesterday I ____________ a picture., Today, I will eat a sandwich. Yesterday I ______ a sandwich., Today, I will run in a race. Yesterday, I ______ in a race. , Today, I will sleep. Yesterday, I _________., Today, I will grow. Yesterday, I _______., Today, I will drink water. Yesterday I _________ water., Today, I will go to school. Yesterday, I _______ to school., Today, I will find my shoes. Yesterday, I _________ my shoes. , Today, I will think about food. Yesterday, I _________ about food. , Today, I will get a new phone. Yesterday, I ______ a new phone. , Today, I will keep my watch. Yesterday, I ______ my watch., Today, I will blow bubbles. Yesterday, I ________ bubbles., Today, I will drive to the store. Yesterday, I ________ to the store., Today, I will fly to NY. Yesterday, I ________ to NY., Today, I will dig a hole. Yesterday, I ______ a hole., Today, I will build a tower. Yesterday, I ________ a tower. , Today, I will come home. Yesterday, I ________ home., Today, I will fight with my brother. Yesterday, I _______ with my brother. .
Irregular Verbs
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