Never have I ever... eaten octopus., What was the first state in the United States?, Never have I ever... had 5 pets at once., In basketball, how many players are on the court for each team?, Never have I ever... been to Hawaii., What iconic company did Steve Jobs start?, Never have I ever... been in a car crash., What is the largest country in the world?, Never have I ever... slept with my shoes on., What is the largest mammal?, Never have I ever... spelled or said my name wrong., What is the largest organ in the body?, Never have I ever... worn my short inside out in public., What galaxy do we live in?, Never have I ever... watched the original Star Trek show., What is the national bird of the United States?, Never have I ever... eaten a bug., Where was the game of checkers invented?, Never have I ever... blown myself a kiss in the mirror., Where did the Olympics start?, Never have I ever... cried during a Pixar movie., How many stars are in our solar system?, Never have I ever... laughed so hard I peed my pants., What was the first hair dye made out of?, Never have I ever... called a teacher "mom"., How long is a giraffe's tongue?, Never have I ever... worn my parents' clothes., What country has the world's largest population?, Never have I ever... hid food in my bedroom., How many bones do sharks have?, Never have I ever... stayed up all night., How many keys are on a standard piano?, Never have I ever... sung karaoke in public., How many minutes are in one week?, Never have I ever... gone 1 week without a shower., How many time zones are there in the world?, Never have I ever... dropped my phone in the toilet., What was the first country to give women the right to vote?, Never have I ever... dyed my hair and regretted it., What is cynophobia?, Never have I ever... spilled a drink on a stranger., What animal can be seen on the Porsche logo?, Never have I ever... shaved off my eyebrows., Who was the first female pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic?, Never have I ever... shared a utensil with my dog., What is the rarest M&M color?, Never have I ever... been attacked by a goose., How many Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are there?, Never have I ever... jumped into a pool with clothes on., How many times did Ross get divorced on Friends?.
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