Nucleotide - Building block of DNA , Transformation - Bacteria absorb foreign DNA and do what it says., Bacteriophage - Virus that attacks bacteria, Semiconservative replication - Parent DNA serve as templates to make new DNA, Unwinding - Step of DNA replication where DNA is unwound., base pairing - Step of DNA replication where new nucleotides are added to the strand of DNA. , joining - Step of DNA replication where fragments of DNA are bondedtogether, leading strand - Strand of DNA that is copied continuously., Lagging strand - Strand of DNA that is copied in fragments., Okazaki Fragments - Fragments of newly copied DNA, Helicase - Enzyme that unzips and unwinds DNA to be copied., DNA Polymerase - Enzyme that adds new nucleotides to the new DNA strand, Ligase - Enzyme that seals Okazaki Fragments together.,

DNA vocabulary


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