Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources - Working with plants, animals, food processing, and the environment, Architecture & Construction - Building and designing roads, bridges, and buildings, Arts, Audio/Video, Technology & Communications - Acting, writing, printing, and producing videos, Business Management & Administration - Clerical, computer, accounting, management, and administrative work, Education & Training - Training, guidance counseling, teaching, coaching, and library services, Finance - Handling of money through banking, investing, and accounting, Government & Public Administration - Manage local, state, and federal government, Health Science - Promoting health, wellness, and diagnosis as well as treating injuries and diseases, Hospitality & Tourism - Lodging, entertainment, recreation, and travel, Human Services - Relate to improving a person's quality of life, Information Technology - Designing, developing, managing, and supporting hardware and software information systems, Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security - Involve judicial, legal, and protective services, Manufacturing - Production work in factories such as welding, Marketing, Sales & Services - Promoting, buying, and selling of goods and services, (STEM) Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics - Research as well as laboratory and testing service resulting in discoveries with the potential for improving life, Transportation, Distribution & Logistics - Moving people and freight on land, at sea, and in the air,
Career cluster match up
6th Grade
7th Grade
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