If you go out to eat, what type of food do you eat? - Zero Conditional, Who will you eat with if you go out to dinner this week? - First Conditional, Where do you go if you want to buy clothes? - Zero Conditional, If you go out to eat, what type of food do you eat? - Zero Conditional, Where will you go if you get an unexpected day off? - First Conditional, If you meet a celebrity you admire, what will you do? - First Conditional, What do you do if you’re bored? - Zero Conditional, If you call your parents, how long do you talk? - Zero Conditional, What will you do if you forget an important birthday? - First Conditional, What will you do if the power goes out in your home tonight? - First Conditional, Who do you talk to if you have a problem? - Zero Conditional, If it rains this weekend, what will you do? - First Conditional,

Conversation starter Roadmap B1 5 B Zero and first Conditional

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