1) Did you have a hobby in your childhood? What was that? 2) Are you keen on sport? Which one? 3) What is the best about your city? What is your favourite place there? 4) What cuisine do you enjoy? 5) What's your dream job? 6) Do you feel comfortable in a new company of people? 7) Describe your best friend in 3 adjectives 8) Have you ever been abroad? If yes, where? 9) What is the one country you'd like to visit? 10) What is your favourite movie/book character? 11) Are you a treveller or a homebody? 12) Do you consider yourself as a night owl or a morning bird? 13) What do you think is a secret to a happy life? 14) What celebrations do you like and why? 15) What famous person do you admire? 16) What are the advantages of high floor living? 17) Wine or champagne? 18) Do you prefer driving or being a passenger? 19) Are you more introvert or extravert? 20) Do you think advertising is an art or does it usually annoy you? 21) What do you enjoy doing in your free time? 22) What household activities do you detest (=hate)? 23) What is your fear (if you have a fear)? 24) What do you lack in your life? 25) Have you ever given a bribe?

Speaking cards A2-B2 levels


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