The right to vote is a core principle of all democracies. - And yet millions of people still choose not to exercise that right., He's not a very inspiring candidate. - Even so, I still can't see anyone else I'd rather vote for., I just feel, like lots of other people, that it doesn't make any difference who I vote for. - Well, given that, it's not surprising that so few people vote these days., They've spent way more on their campaign than the other parties and the media's in their favour. - Yeah, but in spite of all that, the election's still looking very close, actually., I think there are a lot of lies spread on social media in order to stir up hatred. - So taking that into account, maybe we need tighter controls on how it's used., Apparently, lots of postal votes end up getting lost in the mail. - Well, bearing that in mind, maybe it's time to do long-distance voting online instead., If we have another referendum, the 'yes' vote will win this time around. - Maybe, but then again, it could equally well end up with exactly the same result as before., I think it's really important to make yourself heard and have your say. - So do I. Having said that, though, I don't think voting makes you a better person or anything!,

Linkers (U7c)


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