be (am is are) - I ____ from China. , have - I _____ three brothers and two sisters. , do - I _____ my homework every night. , say - The teacher _____(s) to listen and study! , get - I ______ a pencil from the shelf. , make - I _______ up the work that I miss. , go - I ___ to school at the ILC. , know - I _____ how to drive a car. , take - We ______ turns with the projector. , see - In the winter, I _____ snow outside. , come - I ______ to class every day. , think - I ______ before I speak. , look - I ____ through the window to see the weather. , want - I _____ to win the lottery. , give - I _____ gifts to my friends on their birthday. , use - The teacher _____(s) a projector in class. , find - I lost my phone! I have to _____ it. , ask - I don't understand. I need to ____ a question. , work - A baker ______ at a bakery. , seem - He is yawning. He _____(s) tired. , feel - It is summer. I _____ hot!, try - ____ your best! , leave - I _____ class at 11:30am or 3:00pm. , call - My sister is in Medford. I ____ her every day. ,
Most Common 25 Verbs
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