conserve - use something carefully so it is not wasted, essential - extremely important and necessary, protect - to keep something safe from being harmed or lost, resource - any material a country has that is supplied by nature, represent - to act, speak, or stand for something or someone, society - a group of people who live together in an organized community, frantically - doing something quickly in a fearful or worried manner, provisions - food, water, and other things people need, scarce - something that is not plentiful or easily available, reservoirs - artificial lakes made to collect and hold water for use, surface - the outer part or layer of something, skillfully - doing something cleverly or with skill, discovered - found, finally - something that has eventually happened or after some time has passed , environment - the air, water, and land in which people, animals, and plants live, average - a number that represents a group of numbers, unique - one of a kind, percent - a part of a whole,
Benchmark Unit 8 Vocabulary
Rediģēt saturu
Līderu saraksts
Rādīt vairāk
Rādīt mazāk
Šī līderu grupa pašlaik ir privāta. Noklikšķiniet uz
, lai to publiskotu.
Mācību līdzekļa īpašnieks ir atspējojis šo līderu grupu.
Šī līderu grupa ir atspējota, jo jūsu izmantotās iespējas atšķiras no mācību līdzekļa īpašnieka iespējām.
Atjaunot sākotnējās iespējas
Saderību meklēšana
ir atvērta veidne. Tā neģenerē rezultātus līderu grupai.
Nepieciešams pieteikties
Vizuālais stils
Nepieciešams abonements
Pārslēgt veidni
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