Do you have any pets? If so, how many? If not, would you like to have any in the future?, How much time do you spend studying English every day? Do you feel you need more or less time?, Do you usually drink coffee? How many cups of coffee do you have in a day?, Is there any food that you don't like to eat? Can you name a few examples?, How much money do you usually spend on shopping in a month? Do you think it's too much or just enough?, Do you have any hobbies? Can you tell me a few of them?, Is there any furniture in your bedroom? Can you name a few items?, How much water do you drink every day? Do you think drinking some juice or soda is good for your health?, Do you have any favorite movies? Can you mention a few that you really enjoy?, How many friends do you have? Are there any friends you spend a lot of time with?.
10 conversation questions any, some, a little, a few, much
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