what 3 items would you take if you had to spend night in haunted hosue , have you seen a ghost , what is your favorite Halloween movie and why , would you lay down in a coffin for 3 min , in a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice, do you believe in mythical monsters, what is a horror movie you refuse to watch , what is the worst nightmare you've had , are you afraid of clowns, what is your favorite part of halloween, what is the strangest dream you have had , if you could bring back someone from the dead who would you bring back , what's the most embarrassing time you've ever been scared , what is your biggest pet peeve of others , what bad habit do you wish you could stop , do you like dressing up in costumes, what is one thing you are afraid of , what is your least favorite part of Halloween , what is your favorite scary movie , what is a food you find disgusting , when was the time you have screamed the loudest , have you ever been so scared you peed your pants, what is something you are afraid of others might laugh at , have you ever seen a dead person , do you know the moves to the thriller dance , have you ever been to afraid to knock on someones door to trick or treat , what is one secret you have not told many people , has a movie or book ever scared you so you could not sleep , have you ever been scared to be home alone , what is the one thing you wish you were not afraid of but you are .
Halloween truth or dare- Truth Wheel
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