If I move abroad, _____, If she goes on a business trip, _____, If Jessica buys a new phone, _____, If Tom doesn’t finish the project on time, ____, If my colleague buys a Tesla, ____, If the conference finishes at 3 pm, _____, If you listen attentively, _____, John might travel to Israel, _______, Juliet may spend all day in front of PC, _____, HR might find a great candidate, _____, Car might be broken, _____, If she doesn’t meet me on Thursday, ______, If we practice more, ______, She may not come, ______, Steve and Rose might deliver a speech, _____, The CEO may organise a meeting, ____, Coffee machine may not work, ______, If I miss the meeting, _____, If I don’t oversleep today, ______, If they read the manual, ____, I might be late, __________, Sarah may buy a TV, _________ , Her boss might be angry, _____, The kitchen may be closed, _______.

Product Life cycle (may/might)


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