musical term for Soft - Piano, musical term for Loud - Forte, musical term for Moderately soft - Mezzo Piano, musical term for Moderately loud - Mezzo Forte, musical term for Very Loud - Fortissimo, musical term for Very Soft - Pianissimo, musical term for Very slow - Largo, musical term for Slow - Adagio, musical term for Walking speed - Andante, musical term for Lively and Fast - Vivace, musical term for Gradually slower - Ritardando, musical term for Gradually louder - Crescendo, musical term for Quick and cheerful - Allegro, Treble Clef G, Treble Clef C, Treble Clef F, Treble Clef D, Bass Clef G, Bass Clef D, Bass Clef E, Bass Clef B, Treble Clef A, Bass Clef C, The original musical instrument - Voice, The power source you need to sing - air, Muscle that separates the thorax and the stomach - diaphragm, Also known as your "voice box" - Larynx, Sound is made when air passes through your _______ _______ (2 words) - Vocal Cords, The 3 parts of your head in which sound resonates - Throat, Nose, Mouth, The highest voice type - Soprano, The lowest voice type - Bass, The King of Rock N Roll - ElvisPresley, Vocalist who is in 3 halls of fame - Etta James, She had 21 #1 R&B hits, including Respect - Aretha Franklin, Judy Garland's famous song - Over The Rainbow, Two notes next to each other, with no note in between - Half Step, Two notes next to each other, with 1 note in between - Whole Step, Formula of a major scale in Whole Steps (W) and Half Steps (H) - WWHWWWH, Hand sign for Re, Hand sign for Mi, Hand sign for Fa, Hand sign for Sol, Hand sign for La, Hand sign for Ti, Hand sign for Do, On piano, the easiest key to play in - Key of C, In choral posture, your feet are _____________ - Shoulder width apart, 1 beat note, 1/2 beat note, 2 beat note, 4 beat note, 1/2 beat rest, 2 beat rest, Surprise! The names of Mr. Wyner's children are.... - Levi, Chloe, Sarabeth,
Chorus Final Review 2023 - boxes
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