2G: Poor data support, Originally used circuit-switching, GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications): 90% of the market, Originally an EU standard, Used by AT&T and T Mobile in the US, Originally used Multiplexing, everyone gest a slice of time, CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access): Everyone comunicates at the same time, Each call uses a different code, The codes filter each call on the receiving end, Used by Verizon and Sprint, 3G: Usually several megabits per second, Allowed new functions, GPS, Mobile television, Video on demand, video conferencing, 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution): Converged standard (GSM and CDMA providers), Based on GSM and EDGE (Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution), Standard supports 150 Mbit/s , LTE-A: Standard supports download rates of 300 Mbit/s, 5G: Eventually 10 gigabits, Speeds from 100-900 Mbit/s, Significant IoT impact, PRL Updates: CDMA networks, Allows your phone to connect to the right tower, Can be updated over the air (OTA),
Comptia A+ 1101 1.4 Cellular Standards
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