1) He is ________than me. a) tallen b) taller c) tallest 2) Cheetah is the _______animal in the world. a) slowes b) faster c) fastest 3) Summer is ________than autumn. a) hotter b) hoter c) hottest 4) I'm the ________person in the world. a) happyst b) happest c) happiest 5) Giraffe is the ______animal. a) tallest b) taller c) tall 6) The cow is ________than the goat. a) fatest b) fatter c) fater 7) My grandpa is ________than my granny. a) oldest b) oldet c) older 8) It was the ________story in my life. a) funniest b) funny c) funner 9) My house is _______than your house. a) big b) biggest c) bigger

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