1) Steve a) he b) she c) it d) we 2) Alex a) he b) she c) it d) they 3) zombies a) he b) she c) it d) they 4) "Hello, ___ are Alex and Steve." a) he b) she c) we d) it 5) a dog a) they b) she c) it d) we 6) a sword a) he b) she c) we d) it 7) Steve and his dog a) he b) she c) it d) they 8) a spider a) he b) she c) it d) we 9) "___ are Steve and Creeper." a) He b) It c) We d) She 10) trees a) he b) she c) they d) it 11) people (люди) a) he b) she c) it d) they 12) a cow a) he b) it c) she d) we

Subject pronouns: he, she, it, we, they

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