1) What method should never be used to thaw food? a) place them in a cooler 41 degrees or less b) submerge under water of 70 degrees or less c) place the item on a prep counter d) thaw as part of the cooking process e) thaw in the microwave 2) What should a food handler do with the food after it is thawed in the microwave? a) check the items temperature in at least two places b) cover the food to prevent it from drying out c) let the food stand for 15 minutes before finishing the cook d) cook it using conventional cooking equipment 3) Which is the best description of the two-stages cooling method? a) Food is first placed in an ice bath and then in the freezer b) Food passes quickly through the temperature range where pathogens grow well c) Food cools first ion the fridge and then in the freezer d) Food is cooled from 135-70 F in an ice bath 4) You have a total of ______ hours to cool food. a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8 5) You need to cool from from 135- 70 in how many hours? a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 d) 6 6) You need to cool from from 70-41 in how many hours? a) 1 b) 2 c) 4 d) 6 7) When preparing egg dishes for populations at high risk of contracting foodborne illness, a) pasteurized eggs must be used b) pooled eggs should be stored overnight c) eggs should be served hard boiled only. d) the egg dishes should not contain cooked meat. 8) You should cook potentially hazardous foods in microwave to _______ F. a) 135 b) 145 c) 155 d) 165 9) A consumer advisory should be provided for menu items that... a) are overly spicy b) contain gluten c) is raw or under-cooked d) is made with an ingredient from a foreign country 10) Which of the following should NOT be used to handle ice? a) plastic scoop b) metal scoop c) tongs d) glass 11) True or False: Its ok to add ice as a remaining ingredient at the end of the cooking process to speed up the cooling process a) true b) false 12) Consuming raw or undercooked meat, poultry, seafood, shellfish or eggs, may increase your risk of a foodborne illness is an example of what? a) variance b) disclosure c) reminder d) menu posit it 13) This item is served raw or undercooked or contains raw or undercooked ingredients is an example of what? a) variance b) disclosure c) reminder d) menu post it 14) True or False: It is not important to regularly stir food while reheating it. a) true b) false 15) It is recommended that you only reheat food how many times.. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

Always Food Safe 6.2

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