____ is ____ at the University of Hamburg, in Germany. He is also my uncle. He is sixty-five years old, not very tall, with grey hair. He wears small ____ that make him look very serious. I'm ____. I'm only nineteen and ____. I watch my uncle very ____ when he works. That's why I know so much about ____. It was ____ with the same strange letters on it. The professor knew many languages, but he could not read this old language from ____. He took a thick book from one of the shelves. It was ____ for all the old languages in the world, which people do not speak today. Then, he gave me a piece of paper and a pencil. When we finished, this is what they said: Go into the volcano at Sneffells Yokul. Before the first of July, ____ will show you the way ____. Make this journey. It is fantastic.

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