agriculture - Is the art, science, and business(culture) of producing every kind of plant and animal useful to humans , aquaculture - Is a relatively new term to describe the art, science, and business of producing aquatic plants and animals useful to humans., warmwater aquaculture examples - Catfish, crawfish and baitfish, coldwater aquaculture examples - Trout, salmon, mariculture examples - Shrimp, oysters, seaweed, bohemia had - about 185,000 acres of ponds for carp to artificially fertilize trout eggs., hawaiian society centered around - the ocean, agriculture, and aquaculture., roman aquaculture focused on  - mullet and trout., many consider france as the  - birthplace of modern aquaculture., some evidence suggests the maya... - trapped or cultured fish in ponds or canals around 500 to 800 B.C.,

Aquaculture Basics


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