What’s the hardest part about working virtually for you? The easiest?, Where do you work most work done at home?, If you could eat one food forever what would it be and why?, New Clothes or New Phone?, What did you eat for breakfast?, What are you grateful for?, What 2 songs would you play on a loop?, How do you stay productive and motivated working virtually?, What’s worse: Laundry or Dishes?, Are you an early bird or night owl?, What, in your opinion, is the most amazing animal?, What’s your caffeinated beverage of choice? Coffee? Cola? Tea?, What’s the last Netflix show you binged?, If you could learn one new skill, what would it be?, What’s your favorite way to get in some exercise?, Pancakes or Waffles?, What is your favorite item you’ve received this year?, Who is your favorite character? (TV, Movie, Book, etc.), What would your dream house be like?, What is your favorite television network?, Cake or Pie?, What is your favorite breakfast food?, Are you a adventurer or a homebody?, What is your favorite self-care activity?.
Virtual Icebreaker
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