1) What is the main source of marine pollution? a) Industrial waste b) Natural disasters c) Household garbage 2) Which of the following actions can help prevent and reduce marine pollution in the Caribbean? a) Using plastic bags for shopping b) Throwing trash directly into the ocean c) Recycling plastic bottles and containers 3) How does marine pollution affect marine life? a) It has no impact on marine life b) It disrupts their reproductive cycles c) It improves their habitat 4) Which of the following is a way to prevent marine pollution? a) Recycling and properly disposing of waste b) Using single-use plastic items c) Dumping waste directly into the ocean 5) What is the purpose of marine protected areas? a) To provide a safe haven for marine pollution b) To allow unrestricted fishing and hunting c) To conserve and protect marine ecosystems 6) Which of the following is a consequence of marine pollution? a) Increased biodiversity b) Improved water quality c) Harm to marine organisms and ecosystems 7) What is the primary cause of oil spills in the ocean? a) Natural seepage from the ocean floor b) Accidental spills from ships and offshore drilling c) Intentional dumping by industries 8) How can individuals increase marine pollution? a) Using single-use plastic items b) Dumping waste directly into the ocean c) Not using chemical fertilizers in gardening 9) Which of the following is a sustainable fishing practice? a) Over fishing and depleting fish populations b) Using large nets that catch everything in their path c) Implementing catch limits and using selective fishing gear 10) What is the role of international agreements in preventing marine pollution? a) They promote cooperation and set guidelines for pollution prevention b) They encourage countries to increase pollution levels c) They have no impact on marine pollution

Prevention and Reduction of Marine Pollution

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