category(categoria) - a group of things that have similar characteristics, context(contexto) - words and or sentences around a specific word or phrase that help explain its meaning 2. conditions that exist when and where something happens, differentiate(diferenciar) - to tell the difference between things, explanatory - helps explain or make clearer, fact - something that is true, influence(influencia; influenciar) - 1. something that causes a change 2. to cause a change, informative(informativo) - 1. Providing information and facts about a topic 2. useful or helpful, Link - 1. a connection between multiple things 2. to connect two or more things or ideas, linking - connecting, reference(referencia) - 1. a source used for gathering information 2. to mention something 3. to go to a source for informaiton, subsequent - coming after something else, incessant - continuing without stopping, penetrate - to go through or into something, temple - a building devoted to religious worship, culture - the beliefs, traditions, and way of life shared by a group of people, city-state - a city and the area surrounding it, that governs itself, trade - to give something in exchange for something else; a job that requires special training or skills, arid - dry and having little rain, indigenous - produced; living, or existing naturally in a particular area, commerce - the buying and selling of goods and services, game - 1. animals that are hunted 2. an activity done for pleasure or sport, symbolize - to stand for an idea or characteristic,
CKLA 5th grade Unit 2 Early American Civilization 1
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