canteen - container for carrying water, ASAP - term used as a request for urgency, billeting - office for military lodging, cadre - small group of trained officers or enlisted personnel who serve as instructors, carry on - to resume or continue an activity, chow - food, COB - used when giving a deadline referring to the end of the day, cover - military headgear or hat, detail - special or temporary duty or assignment, fall in - to take one’s place in a military formation, fall out - to leave or be dismissed from a military formation, freeze - to immediately stop doing something and hold a position, FYI - used to point out useful information, gear - equipment, good to go - phrase indicating preparedness, being ready for action, heads up - watch out; pay attention; be ready for; be aware of, klick - kilometer, latrine - restroom or toilet, NLT - abbreviation used when giving a deadline, patch - cloth worn on military uniforms which displays unit insignia, rank or national flag, POC - the person representing an organization or unit for a specific task, activity, or program, quarters - housing or lodging on a military base, roger / roger that - acknowledgement that a communication has been received and understood, roster - list of members of a unit or class, scenario - an imaginary but possible situation created for training purposes, squared away - organized; neat in appearance; in good shape; solution to problem found,
M106 Unit 1 Vocabulary
Vocational / Technical
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Līderu saraksts
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ir atvērta veidne. Tā neģenerē rezultātus līderu grupai.
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