Hypotension - What is one of the late signs of LAST, Tinnitus - What is one of the early signs of LAST?, Epinephrine - What medication is decreased in ACLS for LAST?, Benzodiazepines - The first line medications for LAST induced seizures is ...., Intralipid - Which medication is the most beneficial for patients in LAST with prolonged seizures, cardiac arrhythmias, or rapid deterioration? , Hundred - The initial dose of intralipid for a person greater than 70 kg is one _______ milliliters, Repeat - If the patient remains unstable after bolus and infusion, ______ the bolus., Double - What do you do after you give the second bolus, ______ the infusion., Lidocaine - Which ACLS medication do you avoid in LAST?, Amiodarone - What is the first line ACLS antiarrythmic in LAST?, Twelve - Maximum Lipid dose is __ml/kg., Bicarb - Sodium ______ might be beneficial with a wide complex rhythm in LAST. , Fifteen - What is the minimum number of minutes you continue the lipid infusion after the patient is hemodynamically stable?, Eggs - If the patient in LAST is allergic to ____, hold and notify the provider., Compressions - Quality _______________ are needed to circulate the lipid rescue., Acidosis - During seizures, support the airway to prevent ..., Lipid - During LAST you need both a crash cart and a _____ kit at the bedside. , Anesthesia - Who do you notify if you suspect LAST?, Boluses - The patient may need fluid ________ to support blood pressure., Modified - ________ ACLS is recommended during LAST rescue.,
Local Anesthesia Systemic Toxicity
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