el abogado / la abogada - lawyer, el artesano / la artesana - craftsman, artisan, la artesanía - handicrafts, arts and crafts, el aspecto físico - physical appearance, el castellano - Spanish language, el/la comerciante - businessman, businesswoman, los derechos humanos - human rights, el estándar - standard, el habitante - inhabitant, resident, la identidad étnica - ethnic identity, la marginación - marginalization, discrimination, alienation, el mestizo / la mestiza - a person of mixed ancestry, usually a mixture of European (Spaniard) and indigenous ancestry, la necesidad - necessity, need, el pedazo - piece, el peso - weight, burden, el reconocimiento - recognition, el tabú / los tabúes - taboo(s), el traductor / la traductora - translator, acabar (con algo) - to put an end to something [ponerle fin a algo], aprovechar - to take advantage of, to make the most of, aprovecharse (de) - to take advantage of, to abuse (someone), convertirse en (e-ie) - to become, tratar - to treat, adecuadamente - adequately, properly, well, es decir... 1 - that is to say, in other words 1, o sea... 2 - that is to say, in other words 2, escaso - scarce, por ciento ("cincuenta por ciento") - percent ("fifty percent"), se acabó - it's done, it's over,
Match-up - gente indígena de México (23-24)
11th Grade
12th Grade
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