Dust Bowl - Natural disaster that affected the Midwest United States in the 1930s. This led to many farmers losing their crops., prohibition - Constitutional ban on alcohol from 1920-1933., flappers - Young women in the 1920s who rebelled against societies rules. They wore short dresses and listened to jazz music., assembly line - A manufacturing process that uses stations to progressively build a product. , Harlem Renaissance (Renacimiento de Harlem) - The Harlem Renaissance was an intellectual, social, and artistic explosion centered in Harlem, New York City, spanning the 1920s., New Deal - A series of programs, public work projects, financial reforms, and regulations enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to lift America out of the Great Depression. , The Great Depression - Global economic depression lasting from 1929 to 1939. It began with a stock market crash in 1929., mass production - system of production that focuses on creating large quantities of products in the most efficient way., The Great Migration - The immigration of 6 million African Americans out of the southern United States to different parts of the country (1917-1970). , American Indian Citizen Act - Any Native Americans born in the United States are given citizenship (1927), eugenics - The control and manipulation of genetics within a population to create better people. Was used against minorities to show they were inferior. , Red Scare - The idea, and propaganda, that Communism was "scary" for the American people. , immigration - The movement of people from one country to another. , Social Darwinism - A theory/idea that used natural selection (the strongest people survive), to understand why some people were rich and others remained "stupid" and poor. , nativism - A political idea that the interests of native citizens should be taken care of over immigrant interests. , speculation - Within a stock market, when people but stock in hopes of selling it for profit. , court-packing plan - President Franklin Roosevelts plan to "pack" the Supreme Court with more justices so they could pass the New Deal. , Scopes Monkey Trial - American legal case where a teacher got in trouble for teaching evolution in a Tennessee school. State funded schools could not teach evolution. , buying on the margin - Paying less than what a stock is worth. This was one thing that caused Black Tuesday and led to the Great Depression., "Return to Normalcy" - President Harding's slogan for the 1920 election. He argued for a return to American life prior to WW1. ,
The Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression
11th Grade
Social studies
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