1) Rigorous honesty 2) Practice these principles in all our affairs  3) Contempt prior to investigation 4) Inadequacy 5) Letting go of anger 6) Mindfulness 7) Dealing with resentments 8) Don't pick up. No matter what 9) Taking other peoples inventory  10) Projection-living in the wreckage of the future  11) Making amends 12) Service 13) Step 1 14) Carrying the message 15) Love and tolerance  16) Sponsorship 17) Respecting other viewpoints 18) Misery is optional 19) Recovery is my responsibility 20) Powerless over addiction 21) Step 2 22) A desire to stop using 23) Spirituality 24) Dealing with disappointment 25) Dependence 26) Relapse 27) The Promises 28) Fear  29) Grief 30) Complacency 31) One day at a time 32) Going to any lengths 33) Humility 34) Doing the next right thing 35) Emotional sobriety 36) Fellowship 37) Life on life's terms 38) Perseverance 39) Principles before personalities 40) Spiritual experience 41) Bring the body and the mind will follow. 42) Three legacies recovery unity and service 43) freedom through sobriety 44) H.A.L.T HUNGRY ANGRY LONELY TIRED 45) HOPE 46) SURRENDER  47) WORKING WITH OTHERS 48) PLAN THE ACTION NOT THE RESULT 49) whatever's on your mind 50) expectations lead to R resentments

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