Does not have any pets, Has one or more dogs, Has one or more cats, Has more than 3 animals/pets living in their home, Has gone to sleep-away camp, Has traveled outside the country, Was born in another country, Has been on the Skydeck of the Willis Tower/Sears Tower, Has a membership to a museum in the city, Has family that they skype/FaceTime/Zoom with regularly (every day/week/month), Loves spaghetti, Loves tofu, Plays an instrument, Plays a sport, Is afraid of blood, Is excited about the holidays, Quarantines from everyone who does not live in their home, Loves to play Uno, Loves to play video games, Loves to talk on the phone, Has a cellphone, Watches youtube or TikTok videos for more than an hour a day, Enjoys eating vegetables, Has gone to school in D102 since pre-K/Kindergarten, Can ride a bike, Can swim, Goes hiking several times a year, Eats chocolate, Lives in a multigenerational home (you, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc), Enjoys cooking or baking.
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5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Class Game
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