If your friend forgets your birthday, what do you do?, If you see a homeless person on the street, do you give them money? Why or why not?, If your friend lies to you and you find out, what do you do?, If you fail an important test, what do you do?, If you get a great grade on an important test, what do you do?, If you forget your friend’s/girlfriend’s/boyfriend’s birthday, what do you do?, What do you do if you get a cold?, What do you do if you need money?, If you don’t practice English, what happens?, If you get money for your birthday, what do you spend it on?, If you don't feel well at work, what should you do?, If you have free time, how do you like to spend it?, If you need to buy new clothes, where do you usually shop?, What should your friend do if she wants to find a new job?, If your friend can't afford a new car, what should he do?, Who do you call if you need advice?.
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