Level 1: Core Thought: Victim, Core Action/Result: Lethargy, Core Emotion: Apathy, I lose; I hate myself, Hopelessness, anxiety, low self‐esteem, focus on me (mental and emotional), Guilt, self‐doubt, worry, fear, embarrassment, Level 2: Core Thought: Conflict, Core Emotion: Anger, Core Action/Result: Defiance, I win, you lose; I hate you, Resentment, hatred, greed, blame, Stress, disappointment, frustration, struggle, antagonism, focus on you (emotional), Level 3: Core Thought: Responsibility, Core Emotion: Forgiveness, Core Action/Result: Cooperation, I win, if you win too, great; I forgive you, Rationalization, justification, tolerance, use of coping mechanisms, release, focus on me (mental), Relief, Level 4: Core Thought: Concern, Core Action/Result: Service, Core Emotion: Compassion, Gratitude, love, caring, Takes nothing personally, playfulness, focus on you, Level 5: Core Thought: Reconciliation, Core Emotion: Peace, Core Action/Result: Acceptance, We both win; I understand you, Calm, Confidence, Fulfillment, strong outer faith, focus on us (mental), Level 6: Core Thought: Synthesis, Core Emotion: Joy, Core Action/Result: Wisdom, Ability to access intuition, focus on the whole (emotional), Fearlessness, Oneness, Level 7: Core Thought: Non-judgment, Core Emotion: Absolute Passion, Core Action/Result: Creation, Genius, focus on “every” and “no” thing, Unconditional love, ecstasy,
7 Levels of Energy & Coaching Approaches Matching Game
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