oreos, nothing! spin again, frootloops, froot rollups, mcdonnals, oreo shake, hot chockolet with extra marshmellos and wiptcream, nothing! spin again, cool ranch doretos, chips, nothing! spin again, Almond Joy, Baby Ruth, Butterfinger, Candy Buttons, Fun Dip, nothing! spin again , gold fish, gold tutals, trix, Abba-Zabba, Airheads, CRUNCH (spin again), Hershey's Kiss, Andes Mint, Atomic Fireball, Bazooka Gum, Big Hunk, Bit-O-Honey, Kit Kat, Kit Kat White, nothing! spin again, Twix, Milky Way, Milky Bar, Lion, Crunchie, Dairy Milk Caramel, Dairy Milk Fruit & Nut, Dairy Milk Whole Nut, nothing! spin again, Dairy Milk Turkish, Dairy Milk, Hershey's Chocolate Bar, Bounty, Kinder Bar, Hershey's Cookies N' Creme, nerds, Hot Tamales, Gushers.

Spin for a TREAT!

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