OFFERS: I'll get you a coffee., I'll help you with those bags, they look heavy., I'll open the window, it's so hot in here., PREDICTIONS WITH EVIDENCE: Just look at those dark rain clouds, it's going to rain., Get down from there, you're going to fall., According to my phone, it's going to snow tomorrow., PREDICTIONS - NO EVIDENCE: I think Manchester City will win the Premier League., I don't think it will rain at the weekend., They won't be long., It won't rain at the weekend. Don't worry., PERSONAL ARRANGEMENTS: I'm having lunch with my daughter tomorrow., I'm going to the hairdresser's on Friday., We're meeting on Sunday morning., FUTURE PLANS: I'm going to start going to the gym., He's going to give up sugar., We're going to save more money this year., SCHEDULED EVENTS: My English class is on Tuesday and Thursday., The last bus is at 11.30pm., The train leaves at 9.55am.,
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