complete fallacy - a false idea or belief, especially one that a lot of people believe is true, element of truth - one part or feature of a whole system, plan, piece of work etc that is true, patently not true - very clearly not true, ring true - you believe it, even though you are not sure why, spot on - exactly right, strike a chord - to say or do something that other people agree with or have sympathy with, sweeping statement - a statement etc that is too general and that does not consider all the facts – used to show disapproval, trot out a trite phrase - to use a phrase that is boring or not new and one that you have used too many times and that does not seem sincere, vacuous - showing no intelligence or having no useful purpose, way too oversimplistic - treating difficult subjects in a way that is much too simple, cut out for something - naturally suited for an activity or task, change tack - to try a different way of dealing with a situation, fly in the face of - to be the opposite of what most people think is reasonable, sensible, or normal, get hung up - to be thinking or worrying too much about someone or something, give something a go - to try doing something, go along with - to agree with or support someone or something, have your fair share of problems - have a lot of problems, knock your confidence - to have a negative effect on your belief in yourself, make strides in something - to make progress towards achieving something, throw in the towel - to give up, to admit defeat,
SO C1 C2 Unit 1.1 Describing attitudes
Speakout C1 C2
Rediģēt saturu
Līderu saraksts
Rādīt vairāk
Rādīt mazāk
Šī līderu grupa pašlaik ir privāta. Noklikšķiniet uz
, lai to publiskotu.
Mācību līdzekļa īpašnieks ir atspējojis šo līderu grupu.
Šī līderu grupa ir atspējota, jo jūsu izmantotās iespējas atšķiras no mācību līdzekļa īpašnieka iespējām.
Atjaunot sākotnējās iespējas
Saderību meklēšana
ir atvērta veidne. Tā neģenerē rezultātus līderu grupai.
Nepieciešams pieteikties
Vizuālais stils
Nepieciešams abonements
Pārslēgt veidni
Rādīt visus
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