Zero conditional: If you don't water plants enough, they will die., When it gets cold, we light the fire., If you squeeze a balloon, it will pop!, Eggs usually break, when you drop them., If you do lots of exercise, you will get fit., When you mix blue and yellow, you get green., Dogs are happy, when they wag their tails., When you put water in a freezer, it will turn to ice., If you go to bed late, you will be tired in the morning., If you are hot, take off your coat., First conditional: If I have enough money, I'll go on holiday., If it snows, I'll go skiing., If I go to Africa, I'll see an elephant., If you cook dinner, I'll wash the dishes., If you are thirsty, I'll get you a drink., If she doesn't understand, I'll help her., If it's raining tomorrow, we'll go to the cinema., If you don't walk your dog, he'll get fat., If you don't eat your lunch, you will be hungry later., If you want an ice-cream, you will have to pay for it.,
1 Zero or First Conditional
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