1) I think there ... (be) only online schools in the future. 2) I hope the earth ... (be) cleaner in 2100. 3) We ... (have) a two week holiday starting tomorrow. 4) Why don't you change your diet? You ... (feel) much healthier. 5) I don't think they ... (spend) their vacation in Sochi again. 6) You are going to be rich! 7) I've already decided. I ... (buy) a new laptop. 8) – What are your plans for Friday? – We ... (invite) some people over for dinner. 9) He's tired. He ... (sleep) early tonight. 10) – Do you know that Leo is coming? – Yes, I ... (meet) him this Saturday. 11) I ... (take) the kids to the seaside this spring. 12) Brad Pitt ... (win) the award for Best Actor. 13) I think it ... (rain) tomorrow, so let’s go hiking today. 14) What ... (you/do) if you don't pass the exam? 15) You are going to be rich! 16) Mark is starting College next week. What ... (he/study)? 17) Do you think she ... (like) the present I got for her? 18) Hurry up or we ... (miss) the bus! 19) – What ... (you/do) next Sunday? – I don’t know, I have no plans yet. 20) You are going to be rich! 21) – What do you need so many apples for? – I ... (make) an apple pie.

gg4 5.2 going to / will - treasure hunt UlianaK !!! НЕ МЕНЯТЬ !!!


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