Cars are smaller and for people, but trucks are bigger and for carrying things., Bicycles are good for the environment, but motorcycles are fast., SUVs have lots of space, so vans can carry more people., Trucks can carry things and do different jobs, so vans carry people and things., Family cars save petrol, but sports cars are fast., Electric cars don't need gas, so hybrid cars use both gas and electricity., Convertibles have no roof, but coupes are small cars., Motorhomes are big RVs, but trailers are small houses that cars pull., Limos are fancy cars for special occasions, so taxis are for everyday rides., Tractors work on farms, but bulldozers build things., Bin waggons take rubbish, but street sweepers clean streets., Ambulances help sick people, but fire trucks put out fires., Police cars catch bad guys, but armored cars keep people safe., School buses take kids to school, or city buses take people around the city., Delivery vans bring packages, or mail trucks bring letters., Tow trucks help broken cars, so flatbed trucks carry big things., Motorcycles with sidecars carry more people, but scooters carry less, 4x4 cars can go off-road, but busses can not., Caravans are small houses for trips, but trailers carry things behind cars., Caravans are small houses for trips, but trailers carry things behind cars., Racing cars are fast, but milk floats are slow., Road sweepers clean streets, and snowplows move snow in winter., Car carriers move many cars, but tankers carry liquids.,
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