Happiness is the key to life. - False Jesus says in John 3:7 "You must be born again.", Everyone who believes in Jesus has eternal life. - True - according to John 3: 15 The world says: Trust yourself, Jesus is just one of many very good people. - False in John 3:15 Jesus says "Everyone who believes in Him can have eternal life.", God must be worshiped in the Spirit and in truth. - True John 4:24  , All religions are basically the same. - False in John 4:25-26 Jesus says He is the Messiah., Jesus’s death saves every person who has ever lived. - False in John 5:22 Jesus said He will judge the whole world., God wants you to be true to yourself. - False in John 6:35 Jesus says He is the bread of life., No one can come to Jesus unless God the Father draws them. - True John 6:44 The Father is the One who sent me. No one can come to me unless the Father draws him to me., Everyone who does good deeds will go to heaven. - False John 6:65 "If the Father does not let a person come to me, then he cannot come.", God loves only good people. - False in John 7:16 Jesus says He taught only what God the Father wanted Him to teach., The truth will set you free. - True John 8:32 Then you will know the truth. And the truth will make you free., There is a spark of goodness in every person. - False in John 10:15 Jesus says He is the Good Shepherd who laid down His life for His sheep., Anyone who loves their life will lose it. - True John 12:25  The person who loves his life will give up true life. But the person who hates his life in this world will keep true life forever., Believers should love one another as Jesus loves them. - True John 13:34 The world says: You can do anything you want to.,

Did Jesus Say?


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