Denouement/ Resolution - The sorting out or unraveling of a plot. The resolving of the conflict., Climax - The turning point of the play and the point of greatest tension, Scene - A traditional segment in a play that indicates a change in time, location or introduces a new character, Plot - The sequence of events that make up a story, Antagonist - A character or force against which another character struggles, Round Character - A character depicted with such depth that they seem like a “real” person, Act - A major division in a play , Box Set - A set built behind a proscenium arch to represent three walls in a room, Blocking - Movement patterns of actors on stage usually planned by the director, Apron - The part of the proscenium stage that sticks out into the audience in t of the proscenium arch, Chorus - A group of characters who comment on the action of a play without participating in it, Catharsis - The purging of the feelings of pity and fear, Flat Character - Relatively simple and limited one-dimensional character, Static Character - A character that goes through little or no inner change, Tragic Hero - A character, who falls from a higher station in life into suffering, Aside - Words spoken by an actor directly to the audience, Protagonist - The main character of a literary work, Scenery - The physical representation of the play's setting (location and time period)., Dynamic Character - Undergoes an important change in the course of the play, Soliloquy - A speech meant to be heard by the audience but not by other characters on the stage, Foil - A secondary character who often parallels or is the direct opposite of a main character, Prologue - Set of introductory speeches before the first entry of the chorus, Tragic Flaw - A weakness or limitation of character, Dialogue - The conversation of characters in a literary work, Comic Relief - Gives the spectator a light hearted scene after an intense, dramatic moment, Hubris - This overwhelming pride inevitably leads to a downfall, Exodus - The final scene and exit of the characters and chorus in a play., Tragedy - A type of drama in which the characters experience reversal of fortune, usually for the worse, Linear Plot - A traditional plot sequence in which the incidents in the drama progress chronologically., Monologue - A speech by a single character without another character's response,
Drama Terms
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