I am a ____ and I ____ four daughters, Eliana, Lorena, Victoria and Ilona. Eliana ____ in the USA. She’s ____ to Paolo and they have a ____, Emma. She’s 11 years old. She’s my ____. Lorena is ____ from Claudio. ____ have two children, Ian (16) and Mia ( 20). Lorena is in a ____ with Ezequiel, her ____. Ezequiel is sixty next week. Victoria’s ____ is Pita. They have a ____, Eliana, she is 20 now. Victoria is now ____ Guillermo and they are ____ to Enzo, he is 12 (twelve). He ____ Rio de la Plata school, near El Carmen. He ____. Ilona is my ____ daughter. She and Mariano have a daughter, Irina. Years later, Ilona ____ Pablo and they ____ Manuel (12) and Simon (9) . Manuel and Enzo are ____, they ____ secondary school this year. Simon goes to school ____.

RM My family 2

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