abject - (of something bad) experienced to the full degree, avail - benefit or use // to help; to benefit, capitulate - to cease to resist an opponent or unwelcome demand; to surrender, cursory - hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed, deference - humbled submission and respect, ephemeral - lasting for a very short time, errant - erring or straying from proper course or standard, expedient - convenient and practical, although possible immoral or improper, gratuitous - given or done free of charge , embroil - to involve someone deeply in an argument, conflict or difficult situation, poignant - evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret, reticent - inclined to be silent, uncommunicative or reserved, sinewy - lean and muscular; stringy and tough, sublime - to inspire awe in grandeur or beauty, tenuous - very weak or slight, venerable - calling forth respect typically because of age, wisdom, character, experience, etc., arbitrary - based on a random choice or personal whim, banal - so lacking with originality that is obvious and boring, capricious - given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior, decorous - in keeping with good taste and propriety; polite and restrained,
Seniors Vocabulary Part A and B
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