Why do you study English?, What is the most difficult thing about studying English?, What do you like more, speaking English, or writing in English? Why?, How often do you attend English class? Do you attend class every day?, In your opinion, what is the most important thing to do to be successful in School?, Do you always attend English class? Why or why not?, What is something you do very well in English?, What is something you do very quickly in English?, Do you speak slowly or quickly in your first language? How do you speak in English?, What is something you do punctually?, What is something you do easily?, Do you prefer to study alone or with a friend? Why?, What do you enjoy studying in English class? Why?, Is reading in English easy for you, or difficult? Why?, Do you often read in your first language? What do you like to read?, How often do you listen to the radio or music in English?, Why is it important to attend ESL class frequently?, Do you speak English outside of school? How often?, Do you read the newspaper in English? What about in your first language?, What is the easiest part of English class for you?, What is the funnest part of English class for you? Why is this fun?, Why is it important to complete your homework every week?, What is your favorite way to practice English? Why?, Do you prefer reading the newspaper or listening to the news on the radio? Why?.
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