1) These are darkened words to get the reader's attention a) photographs b) captions c) bold words d) italics 2) Words that explain what a single paragraph, "chunk", or small section of text is about a) subheadings b) index c) caption d) bold words 3) Drawing that show or explain how things are put together a) chart b) photograph c) diagram  d) maps 4) Slanted font that is often used to identify important words or ideas a) italics b) bold c) glossary d) font 5) The dictionary of terms and definitions often located at the end of a text a) diagrams b) Table of contents c) glossary d) index 6) The list of topics, units, or chapters in the book, which is often located at the beginning a) index b) Table of Contents c) glossary d) headings 7) Important words that describe the different sections of a book or article a) heading b) titles c) diagrams d) bold words 8) An alphabetical list of subjects or keywords with their page numbers located at the back of a book a) glossary b) index c) Table of Contents d) subheadings  9) Other interesting facts or information that is removed from the main text which the author wants the reader to know a) text box/ side bar b) diagram c) index d) charts 10) Small text that explains pictures, diagrams, and other text features a) labels b) sidebar c) bold words d) captions

Text Features Review


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