Me parece que... - It seems to me that.., Que yo sepa.. - As far as I know..., Es probable que... - Its likely that...(opportunity to use subjunctive), Es decir... O sea... - That is to say..., En otras palabras... - In other words..., Es que... - The fact is ...., Me pone + emocion - It makes me ..., Pues... - Well..., ¿Te importa? - Do you mind?, ¿Qué te parece? - How do you like it? / What about it? / What do you think of..?, ¿Que crees/ piensas tú? - What do you think?, ¿Que harías tú? - What would you do?, ¿No crees que...? - Don't you think that...?, Sería mejor... - It would be better to..., Propongo que... - I propose that..., Sugiero que... - I suggest that..., ¿Me permites/dejas...? - May I...?, ¿Te molesta que...? - Do you mind if..., De ninguna manera - No way, Claro que no - Of course not, No estoy de acuerdo - I do not agree, ¡Que va! - No way!, ¡Ni lo sueñes! - Don't even think about it., No puede ser - It is impossible./ It can't be done., Lo dudo que ... - I doubt it that ...(opportunity to use subjunctive), ¿En Serio? - Seriously?, ¡No me digas! - You don't say!, No me importa - It doesn't matter., Me da lo mismo Me da igual - It's all the same to me, Como quieres - Whatever you say,
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