raise (raised - raised) - My parents brought me up in Seul., is completely used up, finished - We’ve ran out of petrol., start a new hobby or habit - Next month I’m going to take up running., arrive - We arranged to meet at 7.30, but she never turned up., start a business - I wish I had set up something like Google., start living a peaceful life, get married and have children - Someday I’ll settle down in a quiet Italian village., stop a habit or a hobby - I wish I gave up reading social media update!, spend my childhood - If only I had grown up in Malaga, learn by experience not study - While travelling around the world I picked up five languages, respect - I look up to my dad. He’s a truly great person, die - In 2018 lots of famous people passed away., continue - If you go on reading gossip magazines, you’ll go mad., pass (about time) - As the years go by, website forums become full of trash talking., agree to do some work - To survive Batman had to take on different jobs, for instance, as a writer of gun manuals, represent; be an abbreviation or symbol of smth - What does the letter ‘F’ stand for in FBI?, stop taking part in smth; leave school, college without finishing - I dropped out of the school and started working,
Multi-word verbs. Definitions
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