appropriate - adj. right for the situation | v. to give to something specific, complex - adj. having many parts and hard to understand, consequent - adj. happening as a result of sth, distinct - adj. clearly different or of a different types, final - n./adj. the last one, focus - v. pay attention | n. the main point or main interest, normal - adj. usual, typical, not strange, positive - adj. good or above zero, not bad or below zero, previous - adj. the one before in a list, relevant - adj. connected to or important for sth, secure - adj. safe | v. to make safe, select - v. choose | adj. chosen, site - n. place where sth specific is, survey - v. to study sth by looking over a wide area |v. get information by asking lots of people | n. the act of doing either, text - n. written words,

AWL 02C - Simple Definitions

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