selling - If you make a habit of buying things you do not need, you will soon be _____ things you do. (Philippines), words - _____ are like spears: Once they leave your lips, they can never come back. (Benin), sing - When danger approaches, _____ to it. (Saudi Arabia), fly - Words have no wings, but they can _____ many thousands of miles. (Korea), dates - Don't show me the palm tree, show me the _____. (Afghanistan), thunder - Clouds that _____ do not always rain. (Armenia), shoot - To bend a bamboo, start when it is a _____ (Malaysia), silence - The tree of _____ bears the fruit of peace. (Saudi Arabia), outdistance - You can _____ that which is running outside of you, but not that which is running inside you. (Rwanda), carried - The man being _____ does not realize how far away the town really is. (Nigeria), barks - A dog that _____ all the time gets little attention. (Argentina), barking - The _____ of a dog does not disturb a man on a camel. (Egypt), anger - _____ is often more hurtful than the injury that causes it. (England), crocodiles - Calm water does not mean there are no _____. (Indonesia), love - The greatest _____ is a mother's, then a dog's, then a sweetheart's. (Poland), bite - If you can't _____, don't show your teeth. (Spain),
M109 Proverbs 1
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