1) Which syllables are open? a) fi b) bon c) re d) jam e) plo f) mu 2) Which syllables are closed? a) sun b) go c) hill d) path e) be f) quit 3) Which words have a CLOSED 1st syllable? a) bo-nus b) lim-it c) si-lo d) pol-ish e) ex-am f) Jan-et 4) Which words have an OPEN 1st syllable? a) spo-ken b) tru-ly c) mu-sic d) rad-ish e) stud-y f) bro-ken 5) Which words have the 1st vowel saying its name? a) ro-dent b) fin-ish c) men-u d) gra-vy e) Ste-ven f) hu-mid 6) Which words have the 1st vowel saying its tapping sound? a) o-mit b) cro-cus c) triv-et d) cam-el e) Span-ish f) la-dy

4.2 Open and Closed Syllables

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