The internet helps me connect with my family and friends., I can learn new things on the internet., I like to buy things online., I can improve my English online., I watch videos on Youtube., I listen to music on Youtube., Social media helps me stay in touch with my family and friends., It's important to stay safe on social media., I can meet new people online., Sometimes there is fake news online., I use social media all the time., I check my email every day., I call my family twice a week., Twitter is my favourite social media platform., I call my friends and family on Whatsapp., Do you like posting videos on Twitter?, I think social media is important because it helps us connect with people., I don't like Twitter or Facebook because some people post fake news., I like to look at my friends' pictures on Instagram., I send pictures and videos to my friends., I like to stay in touch with my friends, so I use Whatsapp and Snapchat., I like sending voice messages because it's faster., I use Whatsapp to make plans with my friends., It is more expensive to call my family on my phone., Do you make friends online?,
Social Media - Sentences and Questions
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Social Media
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