1) "Quick! Shut the door, before it's too late!" a) aggressive b) sarcastic c) calm d) urgent 2) "This town was wonderful when i was a boy" a) accusing b) nostalgic c) miserable d) optimistic 3) "Poor you. I hope you feel better soon." a) bitter b) sympathetic c) grateful d) urgent 4) "Don't worry. Everything will be fine. I'm sure." a) accusing b) nostalgic c) calm d) pessimistic 5) "I expect I'll come last in the race, I usually do." a) arrogant b) grateful c) enthusiastic d) pessimistic 6) "I can't forgive him for how he behaved." a) bitter b) optimistic c) complimentary d) sarcastic 7) "Your hair looks fantastic!" a) aggressive b) grateful c) complimentary d) urgent 8) "You left my phone outside in the rain? That was a really clever thing to do! " a) enthusiastic b) nostalgic c) grateful d) sarcastic

Speaker's attitude

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